Sow on this Soil

To achieve the objectives of this ministry, financial support from Kingdom financiers and public spirited men, women, groups and institutions has been, and will continue to be, of great help – and, for such sowers, it is seeds on very fertile soil. It is guaranteed to yield BOUNTIFUL returns.

Yes, we acknowledge that you are probably already sowing on other soils. Perhaps you are supporting women and youth empowerment programmes. That’s great.  You may also be involved in prisons outreaches and fellowships. Good work. Your money is also possibly helping to fund motherless and abandoned children’s homes or NGOs getting to grips with issues of homelessness, hunger and other social, economic and political problems. Those are noble and commendable causes.

But, you know what? These fantastic efforts are like cleaning the water downstream. Upstream, at the source, is where the problem lies! Rottenness begins from the head! Men are the head; God made it so. Therefore, if we get the men right, we will get families right. If we get the families right, we’ll get the church right. The community and the nation will fall in line – inexorably. And virtually all other problems will begin to reduce until they fizzle out. Every financial and other donations to KINGDOM MEN helps to equip MEN for Godly Leadership at home, in the church, in the community and the nation, by pointing them in the direction of Christlike manhood. That goes to the Root of the Problem.

FULLY PERSUADED? Join our Partnership Team, the Barnabas Group. Click the link below, fill the Group’s membership form below and begin a fulfilling adventure in sowing for greater results – sowing upon, possibly, the most fertile soil there is. WELCOME.