The FIX THE MEN, FIX NIGERIA Initiative was formally launched at a small media event on International Men’s Day 2014 (November 19). With the hash tags #fixthemenfixNigeria and #fixthemenfixthenations, the initiative is designed to draw attention to the hardly recognised but unassailable truth that MEN ARE THE PROBLEM AND MEN ARE THE ANSWER. Through the initiative, we are stepping up public campaigns to draw attention to the need for the nations, beginning with our country, Nigeria, to begin to pay attention to the spiritual health of the men. This is because as it is everywhere in the world today, men are responsible directly and vicariously for ALL the social, political and economic challenges mankind face – through their actions or omissions as men, husbands, brothers, fathers and leaders.
Towards this end, KMEN knocking every door, engaging with and designing appropriate programmes for every segment of society – the media, governments and their various wings and agencies, community, church, military and academic leaders, the young and the not-so-young. And, critically, we are enlisting the support and input of the women too. In the particular case of the Church, we shall do much more than we have been doing to encourage pastors to take ministry to men more seriously; place more emphasis on discipleship and mentoring.
The first phase of this Initiative climaxed with our second MEGA-SUMMIT on the theme, Fix the Men, Fix the Nations, which held in Lagos, Nigeria, April 30-May 3, 2015.
The campaign, now in the next phase, continues with stickers, badges and media activities.